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'Education is Enlightment' - Our aim is to enlighten every child's future through Education. We strive to achieve this with full dedication to brighten every child's life.



To nurture in every child -

  •         A creative mind with a love for learning
  •         A loving heart with independence and self-confidence
  •         A lively spirit to share, respect and co-operate with others
  •         Focusing on every student's personal and social development.
  •         A healthy body for physical well-being and development



Redefining success:


It is not just our motto, but a living reality for each individual Student's journey. Our school teaches students the importance of self-belief, confidence, individuality so that they can pave the way for their own journey of success. We take great pride in providing an inclusive environment, with two educational approaches: mainstream and supported learning.





This ethos has resulted in exceptional academic results and recognition of our students achievements. We ensure that we provide a nurturing, inclusive and empowering environment to all our students, so that they can be given opportunities to test, thrive and realise their strengths and potential.